25 May 2017

Sermon, Easter VI, Year A, John 14:15-21, 21 May 2017

Memory and belonging: Jesus reminds the disciples that the Spirit will continue to give them what he gave them when he was with them: memory and belonging. He stresses the disciples will continue to remember him and belong to him if they live out his commandments, the things he did and said while he was with them.
This part of John’s Gospel takes place at the Last Supper, the night before Jesus died. Jesus tells the disciples he is leaving them but that they will have something else in their defense. The word Jesus uses for both himself and for the Spirit is “advocate.” In this case, it is a legal term, a term that means someone who argues on behalf of his or her client. An advocate defends his or her client. An advocate supports his or her client. Jesus reminds the disciples and reminds us, that he is with us as our advocate though the agency, the working, of the Holy Spirit.
Several years ago, about a week prior to Memorial Day, I was in the grocery store. I heard a story that made me think of memory and belonging. The woman in line ahead of me said she was having a big dinner for family and friends. She told the grocery clerk, and others of us waiting in line, that her Memorial Day tradition was about remembrance and belonging. She explained everyone invited brings a dish that reminds him or her of a person they love who has died. As each dish is served the person who brought it tells a story about why the dish reminds them of the person they love. The group who gathers is not all related to one another, and some of them meet for the first time at the dinner. But the gathering is something to which they all belong, even if it just for that day. And the stories they tell remind them of the people whose love they shared.
As we think about this story and these things Jesus spoke to the disciples about, I wonder,
How do we know we belong to Jesus?
What is belonging to Jesus like?
Now that we know how we belong to Jesus and what belonging to Jesus is like:
How will we be advocates to help someone else know they belong to Jesus? AMEN. 

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