25 May 2017

Meditation, Holy Saturday, Year A, Matthew 27:57-66, 15 April 2017

MEDITATION                                                                                   15 April 2017
Matthew 27:57-66                                                             Holy Saturday, Year A

May my words be your Word and my heart rest in you as I speak, O Lord. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

         Welcome to Holy Saturday, possibly the least-attended service of the church year. I’ve often wondered why this very early church tradition has been mostly lost. Oh, sure, the service is listed in the Book of Common Prayer, but in an Internet search for Episcopal Holy Saturday services, I turned up lots of Easter Vigil services in the evening but only one during the morning of Holy Saturday. Maybe it’s because clergy have enough to do in Holy Week already and don’t want to add anything. And who could blame us, right? Holy Week, after all, is a sort of marathon of faith and a test of clergy stamina. Or perhaps, what I think might be closer to the truth is that most of us simply don’t like the idea of waiting.
         Waiting is a waste of time, something boring to be got through or endured. And Holy Saturday, once Christ is in the tomb, seems a waste of time also, especially since we know how the story ends. Let’s just skip over the whole thing and go straight to Easter. Some people do this by staying away from even Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Why belabor the point, right? We all know Christ suffered and died on the cross. Why dwell on it?
         Well, because, because…frankly I don’t know why except that my heart tells me waiting, especially learning to wait for God to act, is a good and right thing to do. In the midst of our impatience, God can teach us both patience and wisdom and cast out fear with love.
         In the fourth century CE there is a sermon in Greek on this very subject of waiting and what might be happening as we wait. The unknown author wrote about Holy Saturday, “Something strange is happening – there is a great silence on earth today, a great silence and stillness. The whole earth keeps still because the King is asleep.”
         So shhh, do not awaken the King before he is ready for us. On this Holy Saturday, as we begin our hustling and bustling and preparing, remember the great silence and stillness. Remember to wait. Remember the King still sleeps in the tomb. Remember this day is a day of Holy hush, of silence and waiting for the Resurrected One. AMEN.

The Rev Nicolette Papanek


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