23 November 2016

Sermon 20 November 2016 The Feast of Christ the King Luke 23:33-43 Proper 29 Year C

         If I were the kind of preacher who posted sermon titles on a sign outside the church, today’s title would be “Stone and Souls.” Listen again to what Jesus says about the temple in this morning’s Gospel:
When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, Jesus said, “As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.”[1]

Did you hear this and wonder why our lay homilist today reminded us that to do our ministry your generous giving makes that possible? After all, if we have money to install new carpeting and tile and do other improvements, then why do we need your money?
First of all, as our lay homilist already mentioned, the money we have spent and will continue to spend on this building is designated for expenses that are not budgeted. We must spend it on ministry and mission that are beyond our regular operating expenses.
It’s a sobering thought, but what we have done has kept this building from falling down. Some of you have heard me say this before; we were close to it being less expensive to tear the building down and start over rather than to repair what we have. And which of those things would be better stewardship of the resources God has entrusted to us? Your Vestry knew it was best to be good stewards of what God gas given us.
Part of the reason for this is that while stones may fall, this building holds the collective memories of us all. In addition, this building holds the future of the souls who will join us.
So it’s “Stones and Souls” to set our Phoenix on fire for the future. Many of you have been incredibly generous toward the “stones.” And that has been deeply appreciated. You see it all around you today. Our new carpeting looks like almost the same colour, but when you come up for Communion, please notice the carpet is bright and new, rather than faded and worn. Gone are the dangerous spots around the altar that invited tripping. Gone are the pulled strings and gapping seams. It is new and beautiful in God’s house.
What happens though, if we do all this and then our daily expenses, no matter how frugal, exceed our income? What happens? I’ll leave that to your imagination except to say none of us want to see a “For Sale” sign outside on the lawn.
And that, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, is why stones are important. This place, these stones, and this wood, and yes, even this carpet, are the means by which we make a difference to people’s souls.
My home bishop once said something in a sermon I have always remembered. I’ll say it now because that way you’ll know I’m quoting him instead of just being profane. My bishop said, “What we do makes a damn difference! We’re talking about people’s souls!”
He’s right. The church is never a not-for-profit organization except to the state of Oklahoma and the I.R.S. Instead, the church is a for-profit organization because our “profit” is in souls. We make a damn difference in people’s lives.
Would you miss us if we weren’t here? What would your life be like without Church of the Resurrection on Rockwell in Oklahoma City? What do you love so much about this place that your soul would cry out if we weren’t here?
Oh sure, you could find another church. But imagine us here, staying here, thriving and being the church to people both inside and out, year after year. Being a church that is a place where your soul rejoices.
At the end of today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the hard times to come. He says, “You will be hated by all because of my name. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your souls.” Your endurance is something that will attract a wonderful new rector. And so, my friends will be the knowledge that there is money for every day ministry.
Stones and souls, that’s what it’s all about, Keeping this building a welcoming place and reaching the souls of those outside this place.
With all due respect to my home bishop, I think it’s more like this: What we do here makes a blessed difference! We’re talking about people’s souls! We’re talking about our souls, and the souls of those we reach through being both inside here and outside there. (Outside the church.) Be part of the blessing. Be blessed and bless someone else by making sure we thrive.
Last year the Phoenix was rising. This year, let’s set the Phoenix on fire to fill this place with triumph, beauty, hope, and love! AMEN.   

The Rev Nicolette Papanek

[1] Luke 21:5-6 (NRSV) paraphrase mine.

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