19 December 2015

Sermon 15 November 2015 Mark 13:1-8 Proper 28 Year B

 (This sermon was preached the Sunday after the terrorist attacks in Paris.)         

        The story you just heard might seem a bit out of place, especially to Oklahomans since people in this area know all too well the suffering and pain the people in Paris are dealing with right now. To sit here and listen to a story of blessing and generosity might also seem as though we’re planning to ignore what has happened, or just talk about the scripture in a way that leaves behind that pain and suffering. I don’t believe, especially here, that is really possible to do. So where is the good news this morning? Where is it in Paris? Where is it here? Where is it in the Gospel?

This morning’s gospel story has the disciples admiring the temple building that represents their faith rather than the faith itself. The disciples were suffering from a disease my father used to call “The Edifice Complex.” In addition to teaching, my father was a practicing architect and designer. He often raged about architects who designed massive, imposing buildings than could never be comfortably worked or lived in. Dad thought those architects were more interested in leaving behind an edifice for everyone to remember them by than they were in building something that would be useful, beautiful, and livable.
And in this morning’s Gospel, Jesus calls the disciples to task for admiring the edifice, the building rather than the faith it represents. He reminds them that no matter how large or beautiful the building is it will not last forever. And because Jesus reminds the disciples of the impermanence of all things, it’s only natural that the disciples ask him, “So how long will it last?”
For centuries people have been asking and attempting to answer that question. Most recently, there were people who claimed 2012 would be the year the world ends. Last time round it was the year 2000. Before that it was 1900. And wouldn’t we all like to know just how much time we do have? Or maybe not. Perhaps we are better off not knowing. And that is essentially what Jesus tells us. No one knows when the end of the world will come. We will hear things that make us think the end is near, but we are to beware of those who lead us astray. So forget all the “Left Behind” books and all the stories about the rapture, because they are just that: stories. Yes, there will be an end. No, we have no idea when.
Neither you nor I know what Jesus would have to say about the Murrah Building bombing or the attacks in Paris. But I firmly believe Jesus is asking us to, in our time here, however long it turns out to be, to embody triumph, beauty, hope, and love. To tell out the Good News of the triumph of life over death, the beauty of God’s created world, the hope in the midst of doubt, and to cast out fear with love.
Here is what we can do since we live in the uncertainty of knowing the end could be today, tomorrow, or thousands of years from now. We can live our lives as though we may die tomorrow. And we can also live as though we will be here forever. I don’t know what that means for you, but to be completely personal, here is what it means for me.
I remind myself daily what St Benedict said, “All, all, are to be welcomed as Christ.” Because, as the Old Testament reading reminds us, we never know who it is we entertain.
I tell my sister I love her. I tell my friends that too. I practice those things that have nothing to do with temples and everything to do with blessings from God. Things like love, creativity, truth, and beauty. I cuddle cats. I talk to children and stray dogs. I take walks and admire God’s creation. I cook and eat meals with people I care about. I pray. I joyfully give my tithe to the church. I give money away to people who need it more than I do. I feed the hungry and clothe the naked. I read good books and plant perennials. And I live lightly on the earth so my small corner of it will be worth passing on to the next person who lives where I lived.
So what about the end? “When will this be, and what will be the sign that all these things are about to be accomplished?"[1] None of us knows. But here is what we can do every day for however long we have: we can live out triumph, beauty, hope, and love. We can tell the Good News of the triumph of life over death, the beauty of God’s created world, the hope in the midst of doubt, and the love that casts out fear.
We can live as though we are living for all eternity, because, indeed, we are. AMEN.

The Rev Nicolette Papanek

[1] Mark 13:4 (NRSV)

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