31 December 2015

Children's Sermon 24 December 2015 Luke 2:1-14 Christmas Eve Year C

This is Christmas Eve, isn’t it? I bet some of you are pretty excited about the presents that are under your tree at home. 

Do you know a very special baby was born a long time ago? Do you remember the name of the baby? That’s right. His name was Jesus.

So this is Christmas Eve and it’s a pretty exciting time, isn’t it? I wonder what it was like when the baby Jesus was born. And I wonder what it was like for Jesus to be a tiny baby. And I wonder what it was like for each of you. Because you were a tiny baby too, and so were all these grownups.

I wonder what we might be like if each time we saw a tiny baby, we remembered that Jesus used to be a tiny baby. And I wonder what we might be like if every time we saw someone we liked, or even someone we didn’t like, if we remembered that person was once a little tiny baby too. I wonder what the world might be like if every time we saw anybody; we remembered they used to be a tiny baby.

So I wonder, since Jesus was the Son of God, that means he was made like God, doesn’t it? And each one of us was once a tiny baby, just like Jesus. That means each one of us is made the same way as Jesus, doesn’t it?

So I wonder what would happen in all the world, if everyone looked at everyone they met and imagined them as a tiny baby: made like Jesus. And I wonder what would happen if we started right here, right now, tonight. And we kept on doing that every time we looked as someone, all our lives. AMEN. 
The Rev Nicolette Papanek

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