06 April 2017

Sermon 1 January 2017 The Feast of the Holy Name Luke 2:15-21 Year A

         Christmas Eve at the 5:00 p.m. service the sermon was for children. It was short because of their attention spans, and also because I wanted them to remember it.
         A couple of adults told me they were a bit disappointed because they expected something longer. I am sorry they were disappointed, but sermons are like a grab bag of presents. You put your hand out to the Holy Spirit and you preach what the Spirit puts there. A sermon has a great deal of study and thinking, but in the end, it’s listening to the Holy Spirit.
         All this is a disclaimer. It takes bravery on my part because the sermon you are about to hear is the shortest I’ve ever preached. Here it is: Two sentences and a question.
·      Sentence 1: Today is the Feast of the Holy Name, the Holy Name of Jesus.
·      Sentence 2: Our names are how we recognize ourselves, how Jesus recognizes us, and how other people recognize us.

·      Question: What will we do, so when people hear our names, they’ll hear the Holy Name of Jesus? AMEN.

The Rev Nicolette Papanek

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