09 July 2016

Sermon 31January 2016 Luke 4:21-30 Epiphany IV Year C

         Church growth language changes from decade to decade and some times even from year to year. A few years ago, the talk was all about moving from maintenance to mission. You’d hear that particular phrase used for just about everything. We need more money in the budget to move from maintenance to mission. We need more people to move from maintenance to mission. We need a dynamic rector who can move us from maintenance to mission.
But you know what I’ve discovered with the parishes I’ve served for the last fourteen years, including this one? That stuff doesn’t matter. You don’t really need any of that stuff. What we all really need is to grow closer and deeper in our relationship with God. People and places that do that are growing. And, those people and places grow naturally and sustainably because the people in the church recognize what to do to share their faith, to welcome others, and to serve others. Whether a church starts out with twenty-two people on Sunday morning, or two hundred twenty-two, growing deeper and closer to God means growth will happen because people want to be there.
Today’s gospel speaks to moving closer, and deeper in our relationship with God and helps us understand why doing so challenges us at our deepest levels. We are challenged by letting go of our preconceived notions about how things should be and letting God show us God’s way of being.
         In last week’s gospel, the beginning of this week’s story, Jesus read the scripture in the synagogue. He announced that the scripture he read had been fulfilled. And it was obvious Jesus meant he was the fulfillment of that scripture. Jesus called people to rethink how they thought of the Messiah. And, Jesus called people to enter a deeper and closer relationship with God in the form of himself, Jesus the Christ.
         This week the scripture picks up again with the ending sentence from last week: “Jesus began to say to them, ‘Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’”[1] What happens after that is Jesus’ answer to the question “What shall we do?” and no one likes the answer. I suspect most of us don’t like some of the answers we get from Jesus.
The underlying assumption, of course, is that things always change with Jesus, and we can never stay the same with him. But, for those of us who are unwilling or unable to change, the question becomes this. “What am I willing to give up to stay the same?” Because, to stay the same, we have to let go of where we want to get to in the future.
If we continue to maintain only what we have, we make God hostage to our own desires. We make God hostage to our need for maintaining things as they are, rather than moving into the future God wants for us. We make God hostage by asking God to care for those of us who are already here instead of opening the doors to those who are hungry for what we have here. We make God hostage to renewing only us and forgetting about those who have never had the opportunity to be renewed. We make God hostage by settling for security rather than risk gaining the blessing of the Spirit for our future.[2]  
         We so often expect things to happen in a certain way. Most of us want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.[3] And this too makes God hostage to our desires and wants. We have to be willing to say, “Please God, advise me. And when I try to advise you, please tell me to shut up!”
         God is using this time to call us closer and deeper to God’s self. God is using this time for all of us to become more closely the people God created us to be. This is when we begin to think about a future with God that is exciting and new and graced by the Spirit. This is when we are willing to try the new and be curious and lively and expectant about what things will happen in the future.
         If we fail to do this, we will make God hostage in the same way as the people in Jesus’ hometown. The people in Jesus’ hometown had difficulty believing God might be working in a hometown boy they knew. Who did Jesus think he was, anyway? And maybe, (Can I say this?), some of you are struggling with the idea that one small woman is kickin’ butt to bring us all closer to God. So instead of wondering about me, join Jesus in what he wants to do here.
The members of Jesus’ hometown expected the ordinary from him. They knew him. We expect the ordinary. You know each other, and by now most of you know me.
I challenge us all to grow closer and deeper to God this Lent. Ash Wednesday is only 10 days away. Be here during Lent. Come to church. Sing and listen to the words of those unfamiliar Lenten hymns. What might God be saying to you? Come on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am to Christian Education during Lent. Experience scripture in a new way: Grow, Sing, and Eat the Bible! And come on Wednesday nights for Soup, Salad, and Forgiveness. Jesus told us to forgive, but he didn’t tell us how. Come and learn how.
         We can do this together. We can live into God’s love because God’s love will sustain us and inspire us to a vibrant future. We will truly become all God is calling us to be for one another, for Resurrection, for Oklahoma City, and for the world.
Come Holy Spirit and blow into us your vibrant and living Word: Jesus the Christ. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.        

The Rev Nicolette Papanek

[1] Luke 4:21 (NRSV)
[2] With thanks for ideas from Bratcher, Dennis. The Christian Resource Institute. http://www.cresourcei.org/lectionary/YearC/Cepiphany4nt.html Accessed 27 January 2007.

[3]Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity.”--Adrian Rogers (September 12, 1931 – November 15, 2005, president of the Southern Baptist Convention for three terms.

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